Thanks to ThinkAgain, we are Surviving AND Succeeding!



Tahj ~ Tahj endured 2 bone marrow transplants with devastating complications including sepsis, graft versus host disease, and a cardiac arrest. These severe complications left him with developmental delays in many areas, requiring immediate intervention. He is a sweet child in need of several supports including expanding his capacity to sustain and maintain attention, occupational therapy for his significant sensory needs, a feeding specialist and speech and language therapist, as he has significant receptive and expressive language delays. ThinkAgain will make sure his therapies are in place so this little man can reach for the stars!!



Joseph ~ After years of chemotherapy, radiation and bone marrow transplant to beat his relapsed leukemia, Joseph was cancer free, but struggled to learn. I have never seen anyone fight so hard to regain what cancer took from him. He shows up for his Educational therapy and cognitive rehabilitation sessions and never gives up! Joseph is the man! Bravo little fighter!



Ryan ~ We never intended to serve overseas, but here we are! Ryan, who will turn 7 in April, was referred to us by his Medical Team at UCLA after he was flown here for a bone marrow transplant. He is severely delayed in speech with aphasia, a language expression disability. We had him evaluated and will provide him with speech and language therapy remotely, as these services are not available to him where he lives in Kenya.


Matthew ~ Our miracle boy Matthew, was diagnosed when he was just 3 years old with High Risk Neuroblastoma, and made it through like the champion he is! Having to go through radiation, chemotherapy, a bone marrow transplant and many serious complications, he was left with significant cognitive deficits that made it very difficult for him to succeed in school. He felt defeated, and his mother reached out for help. He is currently receiving cognitive rehabilitation with a neuropsychologist to improve his executive functions and processing skills, along with educational therapy for his learning disabilities. This boy is a superhero! We got you Matthew!!


Julio ~ Loving on Julio! This little fighter endured a bone marrow transplant with complications and infection to fight his disease. He is now a healthy and vibrant little boy, but struggling with speech and an inability to learn alongside his classmates. Speech therapy and educational therapy will get him where he needs to be in order to do great things in his life!


Giovanny ~ We are so proud of Giovanny, who is working really hard to get back to normal after his brain tumor. We have never seen a child so motivated. This tumor left him with ataxia, which affects his balance and ability to control his muscle movements, and learning disabilities, making it difficult for him to learn math and reading. He also struggles with inattention, poor memory and delayed processing. ThinkAgain has been on it! He's been receiving therapies, and is now doing remarkably well. With his determination and perseverance, he will certainly do great things in his life! GO GIOVANNY!!


Nathan ~ Our little star, 4 year old Nathan has been fighting the effects of a craniopharyngioma brain tumor for the last 2 years. After surgical resection and radiation, he suffered many complications including brain inflammation, severe infection, CNS vasculitis, hypothalamic injury and respiratory distress. He is left with cognitive deficits, significant motor deficits, as well as speech and feeding problems. On monday he will begin a 4 hour a day, 4 day a week intensive therapy program at @napacenter to help remediate these disorders and get him back to being the happy, healthy and thriving little boy he so badly wants to be. It’s what we do!


Sage ~ After 3 years of brutal leukemia treatment, Sage was SO EXCITED to go to kindergarten! It proved more difficult than he had hoped. Facing a few hurdles, mom reached out to us for help and he is now working with a developmental psychologist. The cancer battle is over, and we will be there to get him over these next hurdles. We cannot wait to watch him soar! We've got you Sage! ❤ Welcome to the ThinkAgain Family!


Skye ~ We are OVER THE MOON excited for this little lady. For years after her diagnosis in infancy of a rare leukemia, then bone marrow transplant, many complications and a new lymphoma cancer, her days were filled with medical treatments and rehabilitation therapies. Today her days are filled with FIRST GRADE FUN! God Bless Skye!


Benjamin ~ Benjamin is 8 years old and was diagnosed with Burkitt's Lymphoma, a highly aggressive B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma, that is the fastest growing human tumor. Because of this, he was treated with an intense chemotherapy regimen that kept him hospitalized for 4 months. Because he has special needs and was not able to get a special ed teacher, ThinkAgain! provided an educational therapist to work with him in the hospital.


Tonilea ~ After struggling with Leukemia at such a young age in development, she had a new battle trying to get through school with late effects of learning disabilities. Tonilea received educational therapy for her learning disabilities and we were so excited to see her grow into a successful and beautiful young lady!


Oscar ~ How did this young warrior spend his summer vacation? Putting in 4 hours a day, 4 days a week of gruelling intensive therapies because he wanted to regain all the functions he lost from brain cancer. And he is IN IT TO WIN IT! His insurance did not cover the Napa Therapy Program even a little. But we did. It’s just what we do because these kids can't wait to get the therapies they need right now.


Luka ~ Luka is having a tough go of it after severe complications from a bone marrow transplant. He will be receiving help from ThinkAgain through Cognitive Therapy to work through his difficulty adjusting, so he can be successful enough to return to school and participate in life once again!


Caitlin ~ Caitlin has stolen our hearts! This beautiful ten year old has battled brain cancer (Anaplastic ependymoma) since the age of 3, and continues to astound us. She has endured significant chemotherapy, whole brain and spine radiation, and 8 brain surgeries. In spite of it all, she pushes through and shows up for school in between clinic visits. These treatments have taken a toll on her cognitive functioning, leaving her unable to stay alert, focus, and process new 4th grade material. She finds it difficult to read, concentrate and stay organized. ThinkAgain! will intervene with advocacy and educational therapy, so she can once again FEEL like the champion she is!


Aaron ~ When Aaron was just 8 years old, he was diagnosed with a High grade glioma brain tumor, requiring surgical resection and radiation. Struggling after treatment, we had him tested and provided him with educational therapy to regain his comprehension, working memory, attention, concentration and processing speed, all functions affected by his treatment. Because of his learning disabilities, he found it easier to learn by watching documentaries. This made him want to create them!! We are excited to report that he graduated from DePaul University in Chicago with a BFA in Film Documentary!! We are so happy for him and happy to have played a small part in his success. Aaron, we can’t wait to see your magic!


Camy ~ Beautiful Camy is struggling to learn alongside her classmates after diagnosis and treatment for High Risk T cell Leukemia with Central Nervous System infiltration of disease. Early complications included a brain bleed, vocal cord paralysis and RSV, delaying the onset of her cancer treatment that included radiation and 2 years of central nervous system directed chemotherapy to her young developing brain. She is now cancer free and so motivated to learn, but the struggle brings her to tears. We began serving her with an Educational Therapist to tailor lessons to her specific needs in order to remediate her treatment related cognitive impairment. With her bravery, energy, positive outlook and warrior attitude, we are confident she will get over this and any other hurdles that lie in her path to success.


Jerry ~ Jerry is in our hearts today! Diagnosed with leukemia when he was just 4 year old, this warrior endured 3 gruelling years of chemotherapy delivered into his spine, and directed to his brain to prevent CNS disease. He is now Cancer free, but struggling with learning, and was unable to pass a single class last year. He is now working very hard with a therapist to remediate his learning disabilities, so he can not only survive, but THRIVE in his life after cancer. We believe in you, Jerry!


Evangelyn ~ 12 year old Evangelyn has had 3 surgeries since the age of 3, to remove her brain tumor and regrowth, with the last surgery being complicated by meningitis. These events resulted in left sided hemiparesis, causing facial paralysis, left hand weakness and unsteady gait. She is unable to walk well on her own, and falls frequently . She also has a difficult time swallowing food and speaking clearly. Due to these disabilities, she is bullied at school, and has a hard time academically. She needs intensive clinic based speech and language therapy, physical therapy and occupational therapy. Everyday functions that we don’t even think about, are a struggle for her, and we can definitely help this little girl learn how to walk on her own, learn how to speak clearly and swallow efficiently, and strengthen her left hand use, so she can function better and feel like the inspirational hero that she is!


Gray ~ Gray had a lifetime of battles against his persistent brain cancer, and worked really hard at his cognitive rehabilitation therapy to rebuild his working memory, reaction time, attention, inhibitory control and cognitive flexibility so he can be more successful with his schooling. We miss Gray deeply and will keep him in our hearts.


Welcoming Warrior Maddox, diagnosed at age 4 with neurofibromatosis that has caused multiple brain lesions. He struggles with visual impairment, learning delays, organization and planning, slow processing, inattention, low muscle tone, and motor delays. He bravely battled surgery and recovery of the debulking of a large tumor at the base of his skull/spine area. He continues with ongoing medical treatment, and we have some work ahead of us to get this boy every opportunity to thrive in all aspects of his life! We can see blue skies ahead, and the sweet smell of success on the horizon! Go Maddox! You’re a CHAMPION! ❤


Brain cancer warrior, Kingston is.. KING! He just received the gait trainer we provided him for his physical therapy sessions, so he can learn to walk again. He just completed feeding therapy to help him swallow foods again, and is also receiving speech therapy. Posterior Fossa Medulloblastoma is a beast! But no match for Kingston! We are so proud of his progress!


Welcoming Natalie, who was diagnosed with medulloblastoma brain cancer at 3 months old. After months of treatment at St. Jude's, it spread to her spine, at which point the family decided on hospice. Miraculously, this little fighter survived! She had years of successful rehabilitation (PT, OT and Speech), but is now a struggling 6th grader with pretty significant processing deficits. We will fund an educational therapist to develop her cognitive strategies so she can have the school success she deserves!. This little fighter will SHINE!!! She is my hero!! GO NATALIE!



Brain tumor survivor Cameron, is working hard to get his brain functioning as well as it did before his surgery. High school is tough for him, so he's working really hard with a doctor specializing in cognitive rehabilitation. You've got this Cameron! And we've got you!


Patient: Regina, diagnosed age 16 months
Diagnosis: Pilocytic Astrocytoma- Brain Stem
Treatment: Chemotherapy
ThinkAgain Intervention: Occupational Therapy, speech, and language


Patient: Eryx, diagnosed age
Diagnosis: Leukemia
Treatment: CNS Chemotherapy
ThinkAgain Intervention: Educational Therapy


Patient: Monica diagnosed age 1 yr 10 mo.
Diagnosis: Wilm's Tumor; kidney cancer
Treatment: Surgical resection followed by chemotherapy
ThinkAgain Intervention: Educational Therapy


Patient: Ryan, diagnosed age 2 yr
Diagnosis: Leukemia
Treatment: central nervous system chemotherapy, Bone Marrow Transplant, Cranial Irradiation
ThinkAgain Intervention: Educational Therapy



Patient: Kenny diagnosed age 8
Diagnosis: Leukemia
Treatment: Central Nervous System chemotherapy
ThinkAgain Intervention: Educational Therapy



Patient: Solomon, diagnosed age 4
Diagnosis: Posterior Fossa Medulloblastoma Brain Tumor
Treatment: Surgical resection followed by chemotherapy and radiation
ThinkAgain Intervention: Occupational and physical therapy, speech and language


Patient: Emmett, Diagnosed age 6
Diagnosis: Posterior Fossa Medulloblastoma Brain Tumor
Treatment: Surgical resection, chemotherapy, radiation
ThinkAgain Interventions: Speech and language pathology, Occupational therapy, Physical therapy


We are so proud of this young man.

Evan was diagnosed with Leukemia when he was almost 2 years old, followed by 3 years of intensive CNS-directed chemotherapy, only to relapse a year later at age 6.

Shortly after relapse, he endured cranio-radiation as part of the conditioning for his bone marrow transplant, a requirement for a cure.

Cognitive remediation and educational therapy funded by Foundation ThinkAgain, helped him overcome his learning difficulties, a late effect of these invasive, but necessary treatments.

YES! HE IS SURVIVING… and now, because of your help, HE IS SUCCEEDING!


Meet our SuperHero Jude who was diagnosed with Posterior Fossa Medulloblastoma Brain Cancer beginning treatment at age 6. Treatment included surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation with subsequent deficits in cognitive functioning involving fine motor skills, executive functions, balance, processing speed, and speech. WE ARE ON IT! He will begin with a Processing and Cognitive Enhancement Program, and clinic-based OT. We will follow that with speech and educational therapy if needed.


Ahmed suffered greatly during his 2 bone marrow transplants, resulting in PTSD, food aversion and inability to communicate with speech. We began working with him when he was 5 through a feeding specialist and speech and language therapist. 2 years later, he is verbally thanking us (see video)! and he clearly loves food now. It was a very long road, but Mission accomplished! Please help us bring more therapies to these children.


Ethan ~ Following brain cancer, Ethan has put in a lot of work this past year towards his cognitive rehabilitation and educational therapy, funded by ThinkAgain, and has recently begun physical therapy to help him walk unaided and without his wheelchair or walker (see video in post below). He is doing SO GREAT and he wants to thank everyone who has helped him reach his goals.


Meet lovely Grace, who’s mother reached out to us recently for help with her daughter. Grace has been battling Neurofibromatosis since she was 2 years old. Now a 4th grader, she struggles with neuro-cognitive deficits caused by the presence of multiple tumors and lesions throughout her brain. She continues her battle against NF1, while also struggling with deficient executive functioning, severe attention deficits, and failing grades. She’s worked really hard and has always done her very best, but has felt like a failure. Then she met her new educational therapist, who helped her regain her confidence. The educational therapist will work with Grace’s neuropsychological context to give her new strategies to learn. We'll add cognitive rehabilitation to address her executive functioning weaknesses. For the first time, Grace feels that a successful future is within reach! Trust us. This little girl will SOAR!


Anthony has about 10 more months to complete his leukemia treatment and has been receiving intensive Physical and Occupational therapy for his neuropathy related leg weakness, sensory perception and eye-hand coordination, poor balance, problems with eye tracking, and significant motor deficits. SUPER SHOUT OUT to Geno Carter for raising $6055.00 earmarked just for Anthony's therapies! He's getting better and better because of YOU!


Meet The Glorious Giselle! Diagnosed at age 3 and treated at Stanford til age 5, she slayed Leukemia! With complications of treatment, she has been left with significant deficits in many different functions, and struggles in all academic areas. She's receiving educational therapy and cognitive rehabilitation, and will get more Occupational therapy, Physical Therapy and speech, as soon as we can work it all in. A complicated case, but WE'RE ON IT!. You just watch! She will SLAY 2nd grade! It's what we do!


Some kids go through it for a year, some for 2 years or 3… Ava endured FIVE YEARS of intensive chemotherapy due to leukemia relapsing in her central nervous system. Cranial-spinal irradiation was part of that protocol, and it’s no mystery why she is struggling in middle school. While we await her neuropsychological evaluation results, we have her working with an educational therapist, who understands chemotherapy-induced cognitive disorder and how to intervene effectively. No worries, Ava...YOU GOT THIS AND WE’ve GOT YOU!


Patient: Nathan, diagnosed age 3
Diagnosis: Leukimia
Treatment: Chemotherapy
ThinkAgain Intervention: Occupational Therapy, speech, and language


Patient: Jenna diagnosed at age 2
Diagnosis: Posterior Fossa Medulloblastoma Brain Tumor
Treatment: Surgical resection followed by chemotherapy
ThinkAgain Intervention: Educational Therapy


Patient: Christian, diagnosed age 4
Diagnosis: Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
Treatment: 3 years of Central Nervous System Chemotherapy
ThinkAgain Intervention: Cognitive Rehabilitation; Neuro-bio feedback with Educational Therapy


Patient: Fernando, diagnosed age 4
Diagnosis: Leukemia
Treatment: Central nervous system chemotherapy until age 7
ThinkAgain Intervention: Educational Therapy



Patient: Matthew diagnosed age 2
Diagnosis: Primitive Neruo-ectodermal Brain Tumor
Treatment: Surgical resection followed by chemotherapy
ThinkAgain Intervention: Cognitive and processing remediation


Patient: Matty, Diagnosed at 22 months and treated until the age of 5
Diagnosis: Leukemia
Treatment: Central nervous system directed chemotherapy
ThinkAgain Interventions: Occupational Therapy; Educational Therapy


Meet Beautiful Sophia, a 4-year-old PNET/Medulloblastoma brain cancer survivor! That is good news! Surgery and invasive treatments, however, left her visually impaired, physically disabled, and generally non-verbal. We have begun Music therapy through the Children's Music Fund and will add speech to help her communicate. She needs occupational therapy, physical therapy, and mobility training for the visually impaired. Foundation ThinkAgain is on it! Welcome, Sophia ~ our miracle! We will not quit until Sophia gets all the services she needs to lead a healthy, happy and successful life after cancer.


"SMILEY RILEY" was diagnosed with Leukemia at age 2 and treated with central nervous system directed chemotherapy until age 4. She is now a 6-year-old Super Hero! Riley's treatment, however, left her with significant sensory processing and visual-motor deficits. She received intensive clinic-based occupational therapy to remediate these difficulties.


Alan ~ Four-year-old Alan has finally reached the maintenance phase of his leukemia treatment, which doesn't "knock his socks off" as much as the chemo he has been receiving for 2 long years. He will continue intensive speech therapy at Pediatric Therapy Playhouse with the beautiful Jessie (shown here) and enter into an early interventional preschool with special education support.


Aaron ~ After a multiple organ transplant followed by PTLD (post-transplant malignancy), Aaron suffered from massive pain due to core instability and weakness. He's received aqua physical therapy in order to regain strength in his torso, to take the pressure off his spine and hip. So proud of his progress!


Sweet Kayleigh. Diagnosed at 6 weeks old, with malignant infantile osteo-petrosis, and enduring a bone marrow transplant at 4 months old to halt progression of disease, Kayleig had to be hospitalized for about 11 months. She continues to receive regular medical procedures, and is just now coming off of immune suppression. This ordeal has left Kayleigh, now 2 years old, with vision impairment, delayed speech and language, and delayed fine and gross motor skills; unable to walk, hold a spoon, or communicate. She needs intensive speech and language therapy, occupational therapy, and physical therapy, to gain all those missed milestones. She is currently blind, but doctors are hopeful that is only temporary. After getting the runaround from insurance, school district and county services, she cannot afford to wait for any more delays. Because she is at a crucial point in development, we are covering all 3 clinical services immediately. We are excited to be with her on this journey, and can't wait to see how much she will achieve! You got this, little girl! ❣


Sweet Destiny, Following the late effects of early childhood liver cancer, cancer treatment, liver transplant, and liver rejection, Destiny came to us for help in tears after failing most of her classes in 7th grade. With undiagnosed learning disabilities and no school support no matter how many times her mother pleaded, we will have her fully tested, and provide all the therapies she needs in order to succeed. We've got you, Destiny! Everyday!



After hearing loss and developmental delay from liver cancer treatment as a baby, and exhausting all school based interventions, Isaac is recieving clinic based speech and language therapies and he is doing phenomenal!! GO ISAAC!



Hello Patty, Mission Accomplished thanks to you and your wonderful team. With your support, Nick was able to pass Stats cleanly and boy was he ever relieved! A big Thank you to you for helping us achieve this milestone in our son's life and please do count on Nick and both of us to raise money for ThinkAgain so other kids have the same opportunities as Nick did...


Patient: Jakob diagnosed Age 3
Diagnosis: Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia with central nervous system relapse
Treatment: Central Nervous System Chemotherapy and Radiation
ThinkAgain Intervention: Vision Therapy; Occupational therapy


Patient: Tristan diagnosed at 3 days old
Diagnosis: Oligo-Astrocytoma Brain Tumor and hemorrhage
Treatment: Multiple surgical resections and chemotherapy
ThinkAgain Intervention: Cognitive Rehabilitation for processing deficits


Patient: Nathaniel, diagnosed age 2 and 4
Diagnosis: Relapsed CNS leukemia
Treatment: Bone Marrow Transplant, chemotherapy, Radiation
ThinkAgain Intervention: Educational Therapy


Patient: Austin
Diagnosis: Grade II Ganglioma Brain Tumor
Treatment: Resection only
ThinkAgain Intervention: Educational Therapy


Patient: Andrew diagnosed Age 4
Diagnosis: Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
Treatment: Central Nervous System Chemotherapy
ThinkAgain Intervention: Educational Therapy to remediate learning disabilities


Meet Cesar, who was diagnosed and currently in treatment for a rare disease involving an accumulation of immature neuro histiocytes, which has created small tumors in his brain causing diffuse white matter damage. His decline in visuospatial integration and reasoning abilities are highly integrative cognitive processes that rely heavily on white matter integrity. We have been providing Cesar with cognitive rehabilitation through educational therapy, to build new connections and alternate pathways to learning. He is having great success, but needs more therapies, including Occupational therapy.


Little Leah

Little Leah ~She is small but she is fierce!! this little nugget was diagnosed with leukemia at 8 weeks old, then needed a bone marrow transplant to achieve a cure. She received  intensive speech therapy and cognitive rehabilitation!! We can't wait to watch her SOAR!!


Blake has had multiple brain tumors throughout his childhood due to neurofibromatosis, which left him with below age-level processing speed (PW), working memory (WM), visual processing (VP), word attack (WA), and auditory analysis (AA), all vital skills required for successful functioning. Intensive Cognitive Rehabilitation is often tedious and grueling and requires many hours of practice.

This is necessary in order to build new brain connections. We are so excited that BLAKE IS FINISHED! He's made AMAZING progress and is caught up to his peers. You are GOLDEN, Blake! WE CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOU LIGHT THE WORLD ON FIRE!


Fiorella ~ Twelve year old Fiorella began her journey with brain cancer at 2.5 years old, relapsing at 4, 6 and 7 years old. Drastic measures utilizing intensive chemotherapy and highly elevated doses of radiation has enabled her to still be with us! She is our miracle princess, but struggled significantly with cognitive deficits. She is now shining bright with educational therapy and will be receiving more cognitive rehabilitation through! Fiorella, we cannot wait to see what magnificent things you do for this world!


Beautiful 13-year-old Azucena was evaluated at the Raffle Brain Institute, which revealed that her school failure, and subsequent anxiety, stress and behavior problems, were due to significant widespread neurocognitive impairment, caused by intensive treatment for B-cell leukemia from age 3-5. After spending many months with an educational therapist (pictured), and art therapy work, she is excited about her future and actually loves school! She works so hard and we are so very proud of her progress. JUST WATCH! She will CHANGE THE WORLD!


Relapsed brain cancer threw Kyra for a loop, but she is on the mend, making amazing progress! Her cognitive rehabilitation therapist updates us on all the gains she has made, and we also found her an educational therapist to support her learning. If these kids need it, they get it! It's what we do. We are so proud of how hard these kids work. Kyra will not only survive, she will thrive and accomplish great things in her life ahead!


What a JOURNEY!! Debbie has come SUCH A LONG WAY after 2.5 years of Leukmia treatment with significant complications. She is a survivor and a fighter, and is working hard to overcome her neurocognitive deficits that have been making school success extremely difficult. You've Got This Debbie and We've Got YOU!


Patient: Juan, diagnosed age 2
Diagnosis: Leukemia
Treatment: CNS Chemo, radiation and bone marrow transplant
ThinkAgain Intervention: Educational Therapy and Cognitive Remediation


Patient: Briana, diagnosed age
Diagnosis: Ovarian cancer
ThinkAgain Intervention: Cognitive Remediation through Educational Therapy



Patient: Edna, diagnosed age 9
Diagnosis: Medulloblastoma Brain Tumor
Treatment: Surgery, Radiation, Chemotherapy
ThinkAgain Intervention: Cognitive remediation, Educational therapy


Patient: Seamus, diagnosed age 9
Diagnosis: Posterior Fossa Medulloblastoma Brain Tumor
Treatment: Surgical resection followed by chemotherapy and radiation
ThinkAgain Intervention: Processing and Cognitive Enhancement


Patient: Madyson "Cookie"
Diagnosed ages 4, 7, and 9 (2 relapses; missing all of grammar school)
Diagnosis: High Rish resistant Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
Treatment: CNS Chemotherapy, radiation. Bone Marrow Transplant
ThinkAgain Intervention: Educational Therapy


Patient: Cooper
Diagnosed ages 2
Diagnosis: Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
Treatment: CNS Chemotherapy
ThinkAgain Intervention: Educational Therapy


Stefania suffered PTSD and treatment related sensory and spatial deficits following her 2 years of leukemia treatment from age 2-4. She wouldnt look at anyone, wouldn't engage, and couldn't speak. ThinkAgain provided multiple therapists working together including an occupational Therapist, Developmental Psychologist and Communication Specialist. She is now the queen of 'social' and even has a youtube channel (StefaniaLily), & loves her wondergirl cape!


Kevin ~ Leukemia relapse and bone marrow transplant at age 2 left Kevin with severe aphasia needing special day class through elementary school... ThinkAgain intervened with intensive clinic-based speech and language for 2 years. His Aphasia is cured, he is a senior in HS getting As and Bs, and college-bound! It's just what we do!


Sonia~ Surgery, radiation and chemotherapy for brain cancer caused Sonia to struggle with new cognitive disabilities. After working very hard through cognitive rehabilitation with the Raffle Brain Institute, she increased her memory, processing and language skills well enough to complete high school! She's now attending Soka University of America! OH THE PLACES SHE'LL GO!!! SURVIVING AND SUCCEEDING! WE ARE SO PROUD OF YOU, SONIA!


Welcome Peter, who started life as a 1 pound micro-premie, followed by hepatoblastoma - liver cancer at just 1 year old, requiring massive surgery, chemotherapy, and feeding tubes. He comes to ThinkAgain to get help funding occupational therapy to help him swallow solid foods and fine motor work, as well as a communication device so he can better express himself.


Alanna, a 6 year old princess is successfully fighting medulloblastoma brain cancer, but the tumor and surgery have left her with pretty significant physical disabilities. She is weak and has poor balance. She cannot walk more than a few steps without falling, She is unable to maneuver her fingers in order to grasp and manipulate objects. She desperately needs both physical therapy and occupational therapy. Insurance granted her only 6 sessions of PT, and she will need months and months of work to get her functioning again.